If you are reading this whis i hard think you are ;v;” but if you are, I just wanted to tell you to tell me if the video was good bscause I am trying to post as many videos I could since school is annoying as hell🙄✋
But if you did like the video, leave a like and just let me know in the comment below ^v^
For new comers i just wanted to say…
Make sure to look in my “About” to see what everything is about C= and also welcome to my channel *bows*
Well I hope I’m not waisting your time just by reading this ;v; I just wanted to say, I will be doing either a dare or a Q&A For the aftons and the children to william and henrys, and to michael and ennard, why did I say henry and william? well I actually made them a child because I don’t see why not but here child is adopted, its not a animatronic so yea! C=
Apps used:
Cap cut
Gacha Club
I will stop talking now and let you go do what you have to do C=
Have a good day!